Nickolas and Angela Sinishtaj 

Thank you very much Gjok. You and the guys were very professional. Pictures and video were amazing. Marriage is once in a lifetime and we couldn't have asked for a better job done by you guys. We will remember this forever. 
-Thank you!

Hektor & Fjorilda Hasaj

Thank you for the amazing job you did in are weeding day, we really love the work you did , video and pictures. We are so happy we picked you, to make more magic are weeding day. We wish you all the best. Thank you very much.


Gjovana Stanaj 

Video Boin respects cultural traditions. Mr. Bojaj was committed to capturing every significant moment on my wedding day,providing me with a traditional style documentary that I will always treasure. If you are interested in owning an accurate piece of history, then I highly recommend you go with Video Boin. Gjovana Stana


Frank and Angelina Gojcaj 

Thank you so much for all your hard work!
We love our wedding blu ray and every single one of our photos.We appreciate your professionalism throughout the whole process and would recommend you to anyone!
Great job, I am excited to share these with family and friends.

Rob & Diana Gjonaj / Michigan

Awesome job on the video! We appreciate all the extra time and work. Again, great job and would recommend your services to anyone!


George and Holly Ivezaj

Hello,This is Holly Ivezaj (the bride). Thanks again for the fantastic job on the video It's something I will always treasure and enjoy watching over and over.


Gjon & Flora Ivezaj

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your extraordinary work on our Wedding Video. You have given us the most precious gift and that is the abilityto watch and re-live over and over again the day that we sealed our life together. And to us, that 's simple priceless! We appreciate your professionalism that was shown from start to finish and we are grateful for the time you took to ensure we would be satisfied with the final product. We can't thank you enough.


Klodian dhe Elona Lelcaj

Deshem te te falenderonim,per punen e shkelqyeshme qe keni bere ne incizimin e dasmestone,per kualitetin e larte te figures,gjithashtu falenderime te vecanta per kohen qe na keni kushtuar per plotesimin e te gjitha kerkesave.Ishte nje fat dhe kenaqesi qe ju zgjodhem ju. Njerezve qe ju duam te miren ju rekomandojme vetem Video Boin.Suksese te metejshme. Me respekt Klodiani dhe Elona


George and Age Berishaj

Dear Mr. Bojaj: I wanted to take the time to thank you for the fantastic job you did on my son's wedding video, Mr. Vasel Berishaj and Miss. Linda Camaj; Which took place on April 21, 2007. My family and I are very happy with the way your company handled themselves through-out the transaction process. The marriage of a son is a very special day for any parent, and we are no exception and you did a wonderful job fullfiling our every request with special attention to our concerns. I would recommend your services to anyone who is looking for a videographer. I will keep you in mind in the future as I still have another son who is of age for marriage. Thank you again!!


Dijana dhe Mark Palushaj
Tungjatjeta Zoti Bojaj, te dergojme ket mesazh per te falenderuar per incizimin e dites me te bukur ne jeten tone. DVD-te dhe kasetat na dolen jashtzakonisht te bukura. Ne dhe familja jone jemi shum te kenaqur qe patem ju, nje person i talentit te larte, si incizues. Une dhe Marku do te ju referojm tek te tjeret. Urime dhe faleminderit te perzenerta te urojne Dijana dhe Mark Palushaj.


Dritan Dragu

Pershendetje dhe tungjatjeta zotri Bojaj i Video Boin ! Une jam Dritan Dragu. Po te dergoj kete mesazh per te pershendetur dhe per te komplimentuar, dhe sigurisht edhe falenderuar per punen vertete artistike qe ke bere ne regjistrimin e darkes se Festes se Flamurit. Kapje dhe gjetje fantastike, dhe cilesi e larte! Ju uroj te gjitha te mirat dhe suksese! Perzemersisht, Dritani.



Quhem Pellumb Toma . Jetoj Neuml Itali prej 10 vjetve me prejardhje nga Malesia e Madhe. Jam duke pare dasmen me incizim  tuaj. Komplimente dhe ju uroj suksese te metejshme se e meritoki me te vertet..

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